The EMN Glossary – as one of the key products of the EMN - improves comparability by enabling a common understanding and use of terms and definitions relating to asylum and migration. The Glossary draws on a variety of sources, but primarily on the legislation of the EU asylum and immigration acquis, and makes terms available in the majority of EU Member State languages.
The online version is regularly updated and available in various languages.
- BG: добре обоснован страх от преследване
- CZ: podložená obava z pronásledování
- DE: begründete Furcht vor Verfolgung
- EE: põhjendatud tagakiusamise kartus
- EN: well-founded fear of persecution
- ES: temor justificado de persecución
- FI: perusteltu vainon pelko
- FR: crainte fondée de persécution
- GA: faitíos roimh ghéarleanúint a bhfuil bunús / údar maith leis
- HU: üldöztetéstől való megalapozott félelem
- IT: giustificato timore di persecuzione
- LT: visiškai pagrįsta baimė būti persekiojamam
- LV: pamatotas bailes no vajāšanas
- MT: Biża’ ġustifikata ta’ persekuzzjoni
- NL: gegronde vrees voor vervolging
- NO: velbegrunnet frykt for forfølgelse (b) / velgrunna frykt for forfølging (n)
- PL: uzasadniona obawa przed prześladowaniem
- RO: teamă de persecuţie bine fondată
- SE: välgrundad fruktan för förföljelse
- SK: opodstatnená obava z prenasledovania
- SL: utemeljen strah pred preganjanjem
The fear of persecution experienced by an applicant for international protection that is considered both genuine and objectively justifiable (e.g. because the person concerned has already been subject to persecution or serious harm, or to direct threats of such persecution or such harm, and there is no good reason to consider that such persecution or serious harm will not be repeated).
2. The subjective element is satisfied if the applicant‘s fear of persecution is genuine. In the context of refugee status determination, fear has been defined as an apprehension or awareness of danger. General dissent or disagreement with a government or the desire for more personal freedom or an improved economic situation without anything more does not satify this element (see UNHCR guidelines on international protection on the UNHCR website).
3. The objective element is satisfied when the applicant has established that there is a reasonable possibility that they will actually suffer the feared persecution.
- BG: оттегляне на молба за международна закрила
- CZ: vzít zpět žádost o udělení mezinárodní ochrany
- DE: Rücknahme des Antrags auf internationalen Schutz
- EE: rahvusvahelise kaitse taotluse tagasivõtmine
- EN: withdrawal of an application for international protection
- ES: retirada de una solicitud de protección internacional
- FI: kansainvälistä suojelua koskevan hakemuksen peruuttaminen
- FR: retrait d’une demande de protection internationale
- GA: iarratas ar chosaint idirnáisiúnta a tharraingt siar
- GR: ανάκλησης της αίτησης για διεθνή προστασία
- HU: nemzetközi védelem iránti kérelem visszavonása
- IT: ritiro della domanda di protezione internazionale
- LT: tarptautinės apsaugos (prieglobsčio) prašymo atsiėmimas
- LV: starptautiskās aizsardzības pieteikuma atsaukšana
- MT: Irtirar ta’ applikazzjoni għall-protezzjoni internazzjonali
- NL: intrekking van een verzoek om internationale bescherming
- NO: tilbaketrekking av søknad om internasjonal beskyttelse (b)/ tilbaketrekking av søknad om internasjonalt vern (n)
- PL: wycofanie wniosku o ochronę międzynarodową
- PT: retirada do pedido de protecção internacional
- RO: retragerea cerere de protectie internationala
- SE: återkallande av ansökan om internationellt skydd
- SK: späťvzatie žiadosti o medzinárodnú ochranu / späťvzatie žiadosti o udelenie medzinárodnej ochrany
- SL: umik prošnje za mednarodno zaščito
The actions by which the applicant terminates the procedures initiated by the submission of their application for international protection, in accordance with Directive 2013/32/EU (Recast Asylum Procedures Directive), either explicitly or tacitly.
- BG: отнемане на международна закрила
- CZ: odnětí mezinárodní ochrany
- DE: Aberkennung des internationalen Schutzes
- EE: rahvusvahelise kaitse tagasivõtmine
- EN: withdrawal of international protection
- ES: retirada de la protección internacional
- FI: kansainvälisen suojelun poistaminen /lakkauttaminen / peruttaminen
- FR: retrait de la protection internationale
- GA: cosaint idirnáisiúnta a tharraingt siar
- GR: ανάκληση διεθνούς προστασίας
- HU: nemzetközi védelem visszavonása
- IT: revoca della protezione internazionale
- LT: tarptautinės apsaugos (prieglobsčio) panaikinimas
- LV: starptautiskās aizsardzības statusa atņemšana
- MT: Irtirar tal-protezzjoni internazzjonali
- NL: intrekking van de internationale bescherming
- NO: tilbaketrekking av internasjonal beskyttelse (b) / tilbaketrekking av internasjonalt vern (n)
- PL: cofnięcie ochrony międzynarodowej
- PT: retirada do estatuto de proteção internacional
- RO: retragerea protecţiei internaţionale
- SE: återkallande av internationellt skydd
- SK: odňatie medzinárodnej ochrany
- SL: preklic mednarodne zaščite
The decision by a competent authority to revoke, end or refuse to renew the refugee or subsidiary protection status of a person in accordance with Directive 2011/95/EU (Recast Qualification Directive).
- BG: отнемане на бежански статут
- CZ: odnětí postavení uprchlíka
- DE: Entziehung / Aberkennung der Flüchtlingseigenschaft
- EE: pagulasseisundi kehtetuks tunnistamine
- EN: withdrawal of refugee status
- ES: retirada del estatuto de refugiado
- FI: pakolaisaseman poistaminen /lakkauttaminen / peruuttaminen
- FR: retrait du statut de réfugié
- GA: stádas dídeanaí a tharraingt siar
- GR: ανάκληση καθεστώτος πρόσφυγα
- HU: menekültügyi státusz visszavonása
- IT: revoca dello status di rifugiato
- LT: pabėgėlio statuso panaikinimas
- LV: bēgļa statusa zaudēšana
- MT: Revoka / Kanċellazzjoni / Tneħħija tal-istatus ta’ refuġjat
- NL: intrekking van de internationale beschermingsstatus
- NO: tilbakekall av flyktningstatus (b) / attendekalling av flyktningstatus (n)
- PL: cofnięcie statusu uchodźcy
- PT: retirada do estatuto de refugiado
- RO: retragerea statutului de refugiat
- SE: återkallande av flyktingstatus
- SK: odňatie postavenia [statusu, štatútu] utečenca (EU acquis)
- SL: preklic statusa begunca
The decision by a competent authority to revoke, end or refuse to renew the refugee status of a person in accordance with Directive 2011/95/EU (Recast Qualification Directive).
- BG: военно престъпление
- CZ: válečný zločin
- DE: Kriegsverbrechen
- EE: sõjakuritegu
- EN: war crime
- ES: crímenes de guerra
- FI: sotarikokset
- FR: crimes de guerre
- GA: coir chogaidh
- GR: εγκλήματα πολέμου
- HU: háborús bűncselekmények
- IT: crimine di guerra
- LT: karo nusikaltimas
- LV: kara noziegums
- MT: Reati tal-gwerra
- NL: oorlogsmisdaden (syn.: oorlogsmisdrijven)
- NO: krigsforbrytelse (b) / krigsbrotsverk (n)
- PL: zbrodnie wojenne
- PT: crimes de guerra
- RO: crime de război
- SE: krigsförbrytelser
- SK: vojnový zločin
- SL: vojni zločin
Grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions or other serious violations of the laws and customs applicable in international armed conflicts within the established framework of international law, as defined in the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.