The EMN Glossary – as one of the key products of the EMN - improves comparability by enabling a common understanding and use of terms and definitions relating to asylum and migration. The Glossary draws on a variety of sources, but primarily on the legislation of the EU asylum and immigration acquis, and makes terms available in the majority of EU Member State languages.
The online version is regularly updated and available in various languages.
- BG: лице, на което е предоставена международна закрила
- CZ: osoba požívající mezinárodní ochrany
- DE: Person, der internationaler Schutz zuerkannt wurde
- EE: rahvusvahelise kaitse saaja
- EN: beneficiary of international protection
- ES: beneficiario de protección internacional
- FI: kansainvälistä suojelua saava
- FR: bénéficiaire d’une protection internationale
- GA: tairbhí den chosaint idirnáisiúnta
- GR: δικαιούχου διεθνούς προστασίας
- HU: nemzetközi védelemben részesülő személy
- IT: beneficiario di protezione internazionale
- LT: tarptautinės apsaugos (prieglobsčio) gavėjas
- LV: starptautiskās aizsardzības saņēmējs
- MT: Benefiċjarju(-a) tal-protezzjoni internazzjonali
- NL: persoon die internationale bescherming geniet
- NO: mottaker av internasjonal beskyttelse (asyl) (b) / mottakar av internasjonalt vern (asyl) (n)
- PL: beneficjent ochrony międzynarodowej
- PT: beneficiário de protecção internacional
- RO: beneficiar al protectiei internationale
- SE: person som beviljats internationellt skydd
- SK: osoba s postavením medzinárodnej ochrany (EU acquis) / osoba s udelenou medzinárodnou ochranou
- SL: upravičenec do mednarodne zaščite
A person who has been granted refugee status or subsidiary protection status.
- BG: граничен контрол
- CZ: pohraniční kontrola
- DE: Grenzkontrolle
- EE: piirikontroll
- EN: border control
- ES: control fronterizo
- FI: rajavalvonta
- FR: contrôle aux frontières
- GA: rialú teorann
- GR: συνοριακός έλεγχος / έλεγχος των συνόρων
- HU: határellenőrzés
- IT: controllo di frontiera
- LT: sienų kontrolė
- LV: robežkontrole
- MT: Kontroll mal-konfini / mal-fruntiera
- NL: grenstoezicht (syn.: grensbewaking, grenscontrole)
- NO: grensekontroll
- PL: kontrola graniczna
- PT: controlo de fronteira
- RO: control de frontieră
- SE: gränskontroll
- SK: kontrola hraníc
- SL: nadzor meje
The activity carried out at a border, in accordance with and for the purposes of Regulation (EU) 2016/399 (Schengen Borders Code), in response exclusively to an intention to cross or the act of crossing that border, regardless of any other consideration, consisting of border checks and border surveillance.
- BG: гранично-пропускателен пункт
- CZ: hraniční přechod
- DE: Grenzübergang / Grenzübergangsstelle
- EE: piiriületuspunkt
- EN: border crossing point
- ES: paso fronterizo
- FI: rajanylityspaikka
- FR: point de passage frontalier
- GA: pointe trasnaithe teorann
- GR: σημείο συνοριακής διέλευσης
- HU: határátkelőhely
- IT: valico di frontiera
- LT: sienos perėjimo punktas
- LV: robežšķērsošanas vieta
- NL: grensovergang (syn.: grensdoorlaatpost, grenspost)
- NO: grensepasseringssted (b) / grensepasseringsstad (n)
- PL: przejście graniczne
- PT: ponto de passagem fronteiriço
- RO: punct de trecere a frontierei
- SE: gränsövergångsställe
- SK: hraničný priechod
- SL: mejni prehod
Any crossing point authorised by the competent authorities for the crossing of external EU borders.
- BG: тежест на доказване
- CZ: důkazní břemeno
- DE: Beweislast
- EE: tõendamiskoormis
- EN: burden of proof
- ES: carga de la prueba
- FI: todistustaakka
- FR: charge de la preuve
- GA: dualgas cruthúnais
- GR: υποχρέωση της απόδειξης της βασιμότητας του ισχυρισμού
- HU: bizonyítási teher
- IT: onere della prova
- LT: prievolė įrodyti
- LV: pierādīšanas pienākums
- MT: Piż (Il-) tal-prova / Obbligu (L-) li jinġiebu l-provi
- NL: bewijslast
- NO: bevisbyrde
- PL: ciężar dowodu
- PT: ónus da prova
- RO: sarcina dovezii
- SE: bevisbörda
- SK: dôkazné bremeno
- SL: dokazno breme
In the migration context, the duty of a non-national seeking entry into a foreign State to prove that they are entitled to enter and not inadmissible under the laws of that State.
In the context of refugee status determination procedures, the duty of the applicant to establish their case, to produce evidence that they have a well-founded fear of persecution.
2. For further information see UNHCR: Note on Burden and Standard of Proof in Refugee Claims, 16 December 1998.
- BG: разхищение на мозъци
- CZ: plýtvání mozky
- DE: Brain Waste
- EE: oskustööjõu alarakendatus
- EN: brain waste
- ES: subempleo
- FI: aivotuhlaus
- FR: gaspillage des cerveaux
- GA: cur amú éirime
- GR: διαρροή εγκεφάλων
- HU: képességek elpazarlása
- IT: spreco di cervelli
- LT: protų švaistymas
- LV: intelektuālā potenciāla izšķērdēšana
- MT: Ħela ta’ mħuħ / ta’ nies bi kwalifiki għoljin
- NL: brain waste
- NO: kunnskapssløsing
- PL: marnotrawstwo mózgów
- PT: brain waste
- RO: „brain waste”
- SE: dažniausiai vartojamo išversto termino nėra
- SK: plytvanie mozgami (EU acquis) / mrhanie mozgami
- SL: „izguba možganov“
The loss suffered by a country as a result of the emigration of a (highly) qualified person.
- BG: привличане на мозъци
- CZ: příliv mozků
- DE: Brain Gain
- EE: oskustööjõu sissevool
- EN: brain gain
- ES: captación de cerebros
- FI: aivotuonti
- FR: afflux de cerveaux
- GA: inimirce daoine oilte
- GR: κέρδος εγκεφάλων (είναι μεταφορικό)
- HU: there is no widely accepted term, several can be used: agyvisszaszívás / tudásnyerés / brain gain
- IT: acquisizione di cervelli
- LT: protų pritraukimas
- LV: kvalificēta darbaspēka pieplūdums
- MT: Akkwist / Ksib ta’ mħuħ // ta’ nies bi kwalifiki għoljin
- NL: brain gain
- NO: kunnskapsgevinst
- PL: dažniausiai vartojamo išversto termino nėra
- PT: brain gain
- RO: atragerea creierelor / „brain gain”
- SE: dažniausiai vartojamo išversto termino nėra
- SK: získavanie mozgov
- SL: „pridobitev možganov“
The benefit to a country as a result of the immigration of a highly qualified person.
This can apply to, for example, an EU Member State receiving a highly qualified migrant, as well as a third-country national returning to their country of origin.
- BG: изтичане на мозъци
- CZ: odliv mozků
- DE: Brain Drain
- EE: oskustööjõu äravool
- EN: brain drain
- ES: fuga de cerebros
- FI: aivovuoto / aivovienti
- FR: fuite des cerveaux
- GA: imirce daoine oilte
- GR: απορρόφηση εγκεφάλων (είναι μεταφορικό)
- HU: agyelszívás / brain drain
- IT: fuga di cervelli
- LT: protų nutekėjimas
- LV: kvalificēta darbaspēka aizplūšana
- MT: Telf / Tnixxija ta’ mħuħ // ta’ nies bi kwalifiki għoljin
- NL: brain drain
- NO: kunnskapsflukt / ekspertflukt
- PL: drenaż mózgów
- PT: fuga de cérebros / brain drain
- RO: exodul creierelor / „brain drain”
- SE: dažniausiai vartojamo išversto termino nėra
- SK: únik mozgov (EU acquis) / odliv mozgov
- SL: „beg možganov“
The loss suffered by a country as a result of the emigration of a (highly) qualified person.
- BG: движение на мозъци
- CZ: brain circulation
- DE: Brain Circulation
- EE: oskustööjõu ringlus
- EN: brain circulation
- ES: circulación de cerebros
- FI: aivokierto
- FR: circulation des cerveaux
- GA: cúrsaíocht daoine oilte
- GR: κυκλοφορία εγκεφάλων (είναι μεταφορικό)
- HU: there is no widely accepted term: „agykörforgás” is used in some documents
- IT: circolazione di cervelli
- LT: protų apykaita
- LV: kvalificēta darbaspēka aprite
- MT: Ċirkolazzjoni ta’ mħuħ / ta’ nies bi kwalifiki għoljin
- NL: mobiliteit van hoogopgeleide personen (syn.: brain circulation)
- NO: kunnskapsmobilitet / kunnskapssirkulasjon
- PL: cyrkulacja mózgów
- PT: circulação de cérebros
- RO: circulaţia creierelor
- SE: kunskapsspridning
- SK: cirkulácia mozgov
- SL: „kroženje možganov“
The possibility for developing countries to draw on the skills, know-how and other forms of experience gained by their migrants - whether they have returned to their country of origin or not - and members of their diaspora.
- BG: гранична зона
- CZ: pohraniční oblast
- DE: Grenzgebiet / Grenzregion
- EE: piiriala
- EN: border area
- ES: zona fronteriza
- FI: raja-alue
- FR: zone frontalière
- GA: limistéar teorann
- GR: συνοριακή ζώνη
- HU: határmenti terület
- IT: zona di frontiera
- LT: pasienio teritorija
- LV: pierobeža
- MT: Żona ta’ mal-konfini
- NL: grensgebied
- NO: grenseområde
- PL: strefa przygraniczna
- PT: zona fronteiriça
- RO: zonă de frontieră
- SE: gränsområde
- SK: pohraničná oblasť (EU acquis) / prihraničné územie (national law)
- SL: obmejno območje
An area that extends no more than 30 kilometres from the border.
- BG: граничен жител
- CZ: obyvatel pohraniční oblasti
- DE: Grenzbewohner
- EE: piiriala elanik
- EN: border resident
- ES: residente fronterizo
- FI: raja-alueen asukas
- FR: frontalier
- GA: cónaitheoir teorann
- GR: κάτοικος της μεθορίου
- HU: határ menti lakos
- IT: frontaliero
- LT: pasienio gyventojas
- LV: pierobežas iedzīvotājs
- MT: Resident(a) ta’ mal-konfini / mal-fruntiera
- NL: grensbewoner
- NO: grenseboer (b) / grensebuar (n)
- PL: mieszkaniec strefy przygranicznej
- PT: residente fronteiriço
- RO: locuitor din zona de frontieră
- SE: gränsboende
- SK: pohraničná oblasť (EU acquis) / prihraničné územie (national law)
- SL: obmejni prebivalec
- BG: Черноморско сътрудничество
- CZ: Černomořská synergie
- DE: Schwarzmeersynergie
- EE: Musta mere sünergia (koostöö)
- EN: Black Sea Synergy
- ES: Sinergia del mar Negro
- FI: Mustanmeren synergia
- FR: Synergie de la mer Noire
- GA: Sineirge na Mara Duibhe
- GR: Συνέργεια του Ευξείνου Πόντου
- HU: Fekete-tengeri szinergia
- IT: Sinergia del Mar Nero
- LT: Juodosios jūros sinergija
- LV: Melnās jūras reģiona sinerģija
- MT: Sinerġija tal-Baħar l-Iswed
- NL: Black Sea Synergy (dažniausiai vartojamo išversto termino nėra)
- NO: Svartehavssynergien
- PL: Synergia Czarnomorska
- RO: Sinergia Marii Negre
- SE: Svartahavssynergin
- SK: Čiernomorská synergia
- SL: Črnomorska Sinergija
An institutionalised forum for EU cooperation encouraging cooperation between the EU and the countries surrounding the Black Sea and for tackling common problems while encouraging political and economic reform.
2. A conference between EU and Black Sea Foreign Affairs Ministers in Kiev (Ukraine) in 2008 initiated the synergy.
3. For more information, see:
Black Sea Synergy – A new regional cooperation initiative, COM(2007) 160 final, 11 April 2007.
- BG: Будапещенски процес
- CZ: Budapešťský proces
- DE: Budapest-Prozess
- EE: Budapesti protsess
- EN: Budapest Process
- ES: Proceso de Budapest
- FI: Budapestin prosessi
- FR: Processus de Budapest
- GA: Próiseas Bhúdaipeist
- GR: Διαδικασία της Βουδαπέστης
- HU: Budapest Folyamat
- IT: Processo di Budapest
- LT: Budapešto procesas
- LV: Budapeštas process
- MT: Proċess (Il-) ta’ Budapest
- NL: Boedapest proces
- NO: Budapest-prosessen
- PL: Proces Budapeszteński
- PT: Processo de Budapeste
- RO: Procesul Budapesta
- SE: Budapestprocessen
- SK: Budapeštiansky proces
- SL: Budimpeštanski proces
A consultative forum of more than 50 governments from the wider European region and ten international organisations, which aims to promote good governance in the field of migration, to develop comprehensive and sustainable systems for orderly migration and to exchange information and best practices on a wide range of migration issues (legal migration, irregular migration, asylum, visa, border management, trafficking in human beings and smuggling of migrants, readmission and return).
1. The Budapest Process was initiated by DE in 1991.
2. Through this dialogue, the Process promotes a harmonised approach in dealing with irregular migration challenges and support for the transfer and common understanding of migration concepts and policies.
3. For more information see the website of the Budapest Process.
- BG: биометрични данни
- CZ: biometrické údaje
- DE: biometrische Daten
- EE: biomeetrilised andmed
- EN: biometric data
- ES: datos biométricos
- FI: biometriset tiedot
- FR: données biométriques
- GA: sonraí bithmhéadracha
- GR: βιομετρικά δεδομένα
- HU: biometrikus adat
- IT: dati biometrici
- LT: biometriniai duomenys
- LV: biometriskie dati
- MT: Data / Dejta bijometrika
- NL: biometrische gegevens
- NO: biometriske data
- PL: dane biometryczne
- RO: date biometrice
- SE: biometriska data
- SK: biometrický údaj
- SL: biometrični podatki
Data relating to the physical, physiological or behavioural characteristics of an individual which allow their unique identification, such as facial images or dactyloscopic data.
- BG: Процесът „Бали“
- CZ: Balijský proces; Proces Bali
- DE: Bali-Prozess
- EE: Bali protsess
- EN: Bali Process
- ES: Proceso de Bali
- FI: Balin prosessi
- FR: Processus de Bali
- GA: Próiseas Bali
- GR: Διαδικασία του Μπαλί
- HU: Bali Folyamat
- IT: Processo di Bali
- LT: Balio procesas
- LV: Bali process
- MT: Proċess (Il-) ta’ Bali
- NL: Bali proces
- NO: Bali-prosessen
- PL: Proces Bali
- PT: Processo de Bali
- RO: Procesul Bali
- SE: Baliprocessen
- SK: Balijský proces
- SL: Baliski proces
An international forum dealing with smuggling of migrants and trafficking in human beings, participated in by over 50 countries in the Asia-Pacific region and beyond.
2. It aims to facilitate discussion and information sharing about issues relating to people smuggling, human trafficking, and related transnational crime and appropriate responses to these issues.
3. For more information, see the website of the Bali Process.