The EMN Glossary – as one of the key products of the EMN - improves comparability by enabling a common understanding and use of terms and definitions relating to asylum and migration. The Glossary draws on a variety of sources, but primarily on the legislation of the EU asylum and immigration acquis, and makes terms available in the majority of EU Member State languages.
The online version is regularly updated and available in various languages.
- BG: принцип на равно третиране
- CZ: princip rovného zacházení
- DE: Gleichbehandlungsgrundsatz
- EE: võrdse kohtlemise põhimõte
- EN: principle of equal treatment
- ES: principio de igualdad de trato
- FI: yhtäläisen kohtelun periaate
- FR: principe d’égalité de traitement
- GA: an prionsabal um chóir chomhionann
- GR: ίση μεταχείριση
- HU: egyenlő bánásmód (elve)
- IT: principio di parità di trattamento
- LT: vienodo požiūrio principas
- LV: vienlīdzīgas attieksmes princips
- MT: Prinċipju (Il-) ta’ trattament ugwali
- NL: beginsel van gelijke behandeling
- NO: prinsippet om likebehandling
- PL: zasada równego traktowania
- PT: igualdade de tratamento
- RO: principiul tratamentului egal
- SE: principen om likabehandling
- SK: zásada rovnakého zaobchádzania / princíp rovnakého zaobchádzania
- SL: načelo enakega obravnavanja
The principle that there shall be no direct or indirect discrimination based on racial or ethnic origin, sex, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation.
2. The term ‘equal treatment’ has a distinct use / meaning when used in the context of bilateral social security agreements between EU Member States as per Regulation (EU) No 465/2012 on the coordination of social security systems.
3. For more information see EMN: Migrant Access to Social Security and Healthcare – policy and practice, 2014.
- BG: притегателен фактор
- CZ: pull faktor
- DE: Pull-Faktor
- EE: tõmbefaktor
- EN: pull factor
- ES: factor de atracción
- FI: vetotekijä
- FR: facteur d’attraction
- GA: toisc tharraingthe
- GR: πόλος έλξης
- HU: húzó tényező / vonzó tényező / pull-faktor
- IT: fattore di attrazione
- LT: traukos veiksnys
- LV: pievilkšanas faktors
- MT: Fattur t’attrazzjoni / ta’ ġibda
- NL: pull factor
- NO: trekkfaktor
- PL: czynnik przyciągający
- PT: factor de atracção / pull factor
- RO: factor de atragere / „pull“ factor
- SE: pull-faktor
- SK: stimulačný faktor / „pull“ faktor
- SL: dejavnik privabljanja
The condition(s) or circumstance(s) that attract a migrant to another country.
As recognised by the project European Reintegration Networking, this can be for a specific or a variety of reasons, e.g. expanding economic opportunities and potential for advancement in the country of destination.
- BG: отблъскващ фактор
- CZ: push faktor
- DE: Push-Faktor
- EE: tõukefaktor
- EN: push factor
- ES: factor de expulsión
- FI: työntötekijä
- FR: facteur de répulsion
- GA: toisc bhrú
- GR: αιτία / παράγοντας απώθησης
- HU: taszító tényező / push faktor
- IT: fattore di spinta
- LT: stūmimo veiksnys
- LV: atgrūšanas faktors
- MT: Fattur ta’ ripulsjoni / ta’ tbarrija
- NL: push factor
- NO: skyvfaktor (b) / skuvfaktor (n)
- PL: czynik wypychający
- PT: factor de afastamento / push factor
- RO: „push factor”
- SE: push-faktor
- SK: nútiaci faktor / „push“ faktor
- SL: dejavnik spodbujanja
The condition(s) or circumstance(s) in a country of origin that impel or stimulate emigration.
As recognised by the project European Reintegration Networking, this can be for a specific or a variety of reasons, e.g. declining economic opportunities or political instability may stimulate emigration.
- BG: фактори на привличане и отблъскване
- CZ: push-pull faktor
- DE: Push-Pull-Faktor
- EE: tõuke-tõmbefaktor
- EN: push-pull factor
- ES: factores de expulsión / atracción
- FI: työntö- ja vetotekijä
- FR: facteur d’attraction-répulsion
- GA: toisc bhrú is tarraingthe
- GR: αιτία / παράγοντας ταυτόχρονης απώθησης - προσέλευσης
- HU: taszító-vonzó tényező / push-pull factor
- IT: fattore di spinta-attrazione
- LT: stūmimo ir traukos veiksnys
- LV: atgrūšanas-pievilkšanas faktors / motivētājfaktors
- MT: Fattur ta’ ripulsjoni-attrazzjoni / ta’ ġibda-tbarrija
- NL: push-pull factor
- NO: skyv-trekk-faktor (b) / skuv-trekk-faktor (n)
- PL: czynnik wypychający i przyciągający
- PT: factor de afastamento / factor de atracção
- RO: „push-pull factor”
- SE: push-pull faktor
- SK: motivačný faktor / „push-pull“ faktor
- SL: dejavnik spodbujanja in privabljanja
Factors which initiate and influence the decision to migrate, either by attracting them to another country (pull factors) or by impelling or stimulating emigration (push factors).
Developed by EMN
- BG: no translation
- CZ: uprchlík prima facie
- DE: Prima-Facie Flüchtling
- EE: prima facie pagulane
- EN: prima facie refugee
- ES: refugiado (prima facie)
- FI: prima facie -pakolainen
- FR: réfugié prima facie
- GA: dídeanaí prima facie
- GR: εκ πρώτης όψεως πρόσφυγας
- HU: prima facie elismert menekült
- IT: rifugiato prima facie
- LT: prima facie pabėgėlis
- LV: prima facie bēglis
- MT: Rifuġjat(a) prima facie
- NL: prima facie vluchteling
- NO: prima facie-flyktning
- PL: uchodźca prima facie
- PT: refugiados prima facie
- RO: refugiat prima facie
- SE: prima facie-flykting
- SK: utečenec prima facie
- SL: prima facie begunec
Person recognised as a refugee, by a State or the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), on the basis of objective criteria related to the circumstances in their country of origin, which justify a presumption that they meet the criteria of the applicable refugee definition.
This term refers to a more theoretical concept and is often not applied.
- BG: Пражки процес
- CZ: Pražský proces
- DE: Prager Prozess
- EE: Praha protsess
- EN: Prague Process
- ES: Proceso de Praga
- FI: Prahan prosessi
- FR: Processus de Prague
- GA: Próiseas Phrág
- HU: Prágai Folyamat
- IT: Processo di Praga
- LT: Prahos procesas
- LV: Prāgas process
- MT: Proċess (Il-) ta’ Praga
- NL: Praag-proces
- NO: Praha-prosessen
- PL: Proces Praski
- PT: Processo de Praga
- RO: Procesul Praga
- SE: Pragprocessen
- SK: Pražský proces
- SL: Praški proces
A process to strengthen cooperation in migration management between the European Union (EU) and 19 partner countries to the East (the Western Balkans, Eastern Europe, Turkey, Russia, Central Asia and Southern Caucasus).
2. Its activities extend across five areas:
(1) combating irregular migration;
(2) readmission, voluntary return and reintegration;
(3) legal migration;
(4) integration; and
(5) migration and development.
The process takes a comprehensive, balanced, pragmatic and operational approach, respecting the rights and human dignity of migrants and their family members, as well as of refugees.
3. For more information, see the website of the Prague Process.
- BG: позитивна дискриминация
- CZ: pozitivní diskriminace
- DE: positive Diskriminierung
- EE: eeliskohtlemine
- EN: positive discrimination
- ES: discriminación positiva
- FI: positiivinen syrjintä
- FR: discrimination positive
- GA: idirdhealú dearfach
- GR: θετική διάκριση
- HU: pozitív diszkrimináció
- IT: discriminazione positiva
- LT: pozityvioji diskriminacija
- LV: pozitīva diskriminācija
- MT: Diskriminazzjoni pożittiva
- NL: positieve discriminatie
- NO: positiv diskriminering
- PL: dyskryminacja pozytywna
- PT: discriminação positiva
- RO: discriminare pozitivă
- SE: positiv särbehandling
- SK: pozitívna diskriminácia
- SL: pozitivna diskriminacija
A policy or a programme providing advantages for certain groups of people who are seen to have traditionally been discriminated against, with the aim of creating a more egalitarian society.
This consists of preferential access to education, employment, healthcare or social welfare.
Derived by EMN from the FRA (EUMC) Open Glossary (no longer available online)
- BG: преследване
- CZ: pronásledování
- DE: Verfolgung
- EE: tagakiusamine
- EN: persecution
- ES: persecución
- FI: vaino
- FR: persécution
- GA: géarleanúint
- GR: δίωξη
- HU: üldöz(tet)és
- IT: persecuzione
- LT: persekiojimas
- LV: vajāšana
- MT: Persekuzzjoni
- NL: vervolging
- NO: forfølgelse (b) / forfølging (n)
- PL: prześladowanie
- PT: perseguição
- RO: persecuţie
- SE: förföljelse
- SK: prenasledovanie
- SL: preganjanje
Human rights abuses or other serious harm, often, but not always, with a systematic or repetitive element.
The core concept of persecution was deliberately not defined in the Geneva Refugee Convention and Protocol, to suggesting that the drafters intended it to be interpreted in a sufficiently flexible manner so as to encompass ever-changing forms of persecution.
- BG: лице, което отговаря на условията за субсидиарна закрила
- CZ: osoba, která má nárok na doplňkovou ochranu
- DE: Person mit Anspruch auf subsidiären Schutz
- EE: täiendava kaitse saamise nõuetele vastav isik
- EN: person eligible for subsidiary protection
- ES: persona con derecho a protección subsidiaria
- FI: henkilö, joka voi saada toissijaista suojelua
- FR: personne pouvant bénéficier de la protection subsidiaire
- GA: duine atá i dteideal cosaint choimhdeach
- GR: άτομο επιλέξιμο για επικουρική προστασία
- HU: kiegészítő védelemben részesített személy / oltalmazott
- IT: persona avente titolo a beneficiare della protezione sussidiaria
- LT: papildomą apsaugą galintis gauti asmuo
- LV: persona, kura tiesīga uz alternatīvo statusu
- MT: Persuna eliġibbli għal protezzjoni sussidjarja
- NL: persoon die voor subsidiaire bescherming in aanmerking komt
- NO: person som har krav på subsidiær beskyttelse (b) / person som har krav på subsidiært vern (n)
- PL: osoba kwalifikująca się do ochrony uzupełniającej
- PT: pessoa elegível para protecção subsidiária
- RO: persoană eligibilă pentru protecţie subsidiară
- SE: person som uppfyller kraven för att betecknas som subsidiärt skyddsbehövande
- SK: osoba oprávnená na doplnkovú ochranu
- SL: oseba upravičena do subsidiarne zaščite
A third-country national or a stateless person who does not qualify as a refugee but in respect of whom substantial grounds have been shown for believing that the person concerned, if returned to their country of origin, or in the case of a stateless person, to their country of former habitual residence, would face a real risk of suffering serious harm as defined in Art. 15 of Directive 2011/95/EU (Recast Qualification Directive) and to whom Art. 17(1) and (2) of said Directive do not apply, and is unable, or, owing to such risk, unwilling to avail themselves of the protection of that country.
- BG: командирован работник
- CZ: vyslaný pracovník
- DE: entsandter Arbeitnehmer
- EE: lähetatud töötaja
- EN: posted worker
- ES: trabajador desplazado
- FI: lähetetty työntekijä
- FR: travailleur détaché
- GA: oibrí ar phostú
- HU: kihelyezett dolgozó
- IT: lavoratore distaccato
- LT: komandiruotas darbuotojas
- LV: darba ņēmējs, kas norīkots darbā citā dalībvalstī
- MT: Ħaddiem stazzjonat / ippostjat
- NL: ter beschikking gestelde werknemer
- NO: utsatt effektuering / iverksettelse (b) / utsett effektuering / iverksetjing (n)
- PL: pracownik oddelegowany
- PT: trabalhador destacado
- RO: lucrător detaşat
- SE: utstationerad arbetstagare
- SK: vyslaný pracovník
- SL: napoteni delavec
A worker who, for a limited period, carries out his work in the territory of an EU Member State other than the State in which they normally work.
A posted worker is also one of the forms of ‘trade in services mode 4’ according to the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS).
- BG: временно отлагане на извеждането
- CZ: odklad vyhoštění
- DE: einstweilige Aussetzung der Abschiebung (EU acquis) / vorübergehende Aussetzung der Abschiebung / Duldung (AT, DE) Aufschub der Abschiebung (LU)
- EE: väljasaatmise edasilükkamine
- EN: postponement of removal
- ES: aplazamiento de la expulsión
- FI: maastapoistamisen lykkääminen
- FR: report de l’éloignement
- GA: an t-aistriú a chur siar
- GR: αναβολή της απομάκρυνσης
- HU: befogadottkénti tartózkodás
- LT: išsiuntimo atidėjimas
- LV: izraidīšanas atlikšana
- NL: uitstel van verwijdering
- NO: utsatt uttransportering (b) / utsett uttransportering (n)
- PL: wstrzymanie wydalenia
- PT: adiamento do afastamento
- RO: amânarea îndepărtării
- SE: uppskov med avlägsnande
- SK: odklad odsunu (EU acquis) / tolerovaný pobyt (national law)
- SL: dovolitev zadrževanja / odložitev vračanja
(Temporary) suspension of removal of a third-country national who has received a return decision but whose removal is not possible either for humanitarian reasons (as their removal would violate the principle of non-refoulement or due to the third-country national’s physical state or mental capacity) or for technical reasons (such as lack of transport capacity or failure of the removal due to lack of identification or the country of origin’s refusal to accept the person) and for as long as a suspensory effect is granted in accordance with Art. 13(2) of Council Directive 2008/115/EC (Return Directive).
2. In several EU Member States, the term ‘tolerated stay’ is not formally used anymore and has been replaced by ‘postponment of removal’ after the transposition of Council Directive 2008/115/EC (Return Directive).
3. For more information, see EMN: Alternatives to Detention, 2014.
- BG: брой на населението
- CZ: obyvatelstvo - stav k; počet obyvatel - stav k
- DE: Bevölkerungs(be)stand
- EE: rahvaarv kindlal territooriumil, teatud aja seisuga
- EN: population stock
- ES: stock de población
- FI: väestökanta
- FR: stock de population
- GA: stoc daonra
- GR: πληθυσμιακό απόθεμα
- HU: adott év január 1-jén tartózkodó népesség
- IT: stock di popolazione
- LV: iedzīvotāju skaits 1.janvārī
- MT: Rendikont tal-popolazzjoni
- NL: stand van de bevolking (NL syn.: omvang van de bevolking)
- NO: folketall (b) / folketal (n)
- PL: populacja w danym momencie
- RO: stoc de populaţie
- SE: folkmängd
- SK: počet obyvateľov
- SL: število prebivalstva /„zaloga“ prebivalstva
The inhabitants of a given area on a certain date (e.g. 1 January or 31 December) of the year in question.
The population is based either on data from the most recent census, adjusted by the components of population change produced since the last census, or on population registers.
- BG: партньорство, сключено с единствената цел да се даде възможност на заинтересованите лица да влязат или да пребивават в държава-членка
- CZ: účelové partnerství
- DE: Scheinpartnerschaft
- EE: partnerlus riiki sisenemise eesmärgil / mugavuspartnerlus
- EN: partnership of convenience
- ES: pareja de hecho de conveniencia
- FI: harhautustarkoituksessa solmittu parisuhde
- FR: partenariat de complaisance
- GA: comhpháirtíocht áise
- HU: vertimo nėra
- IT: relazione stabile fittizia
- LT: fiktyvi partnerystė
- LV: fiktīvas partnerattiecības
- MT: Sħubija / Unjoni ta’ konvenjenza
- NL: schijnpartnerschap
- NO: proformapartnerskap (b) / proformapartnarskap (n)
- PL: (fikcyjny) związek partnerski stworzony w celu obejścia przepisów umożliwiających legalizację pobytu
- PT: parceria de conveniência
- RO: parteneriat civil de convenineţă
- SE: skenpartnerskap
- SK: účelové partnerstvo
- SL: navidezna zakonska zveza
A partnership contracted for the sole purpose of enabling one of the persons concerned to enter or reside in an EU Member State.
- BG: лице с миграционен произход
- CZ: osoba s migračním pozadím
- DE: Person mit Migrationshintergrund
- EE: rändetaustaga isik
- EN: person with a migratory background
- ES: persona de origen migratorio
- FI: maahanmuuttajataustainen henkilö
- FR: personne issue de l’immigration
- GA: duine ag a bhfuil cúlra imirceach
- HU: bevándorlói háttérrel rendelkező személy
- IT: persona con un background migratorio
- LT: asmuo, kilęs iš migrantų šeimos, arba asmuo, gyvenantis ne savo kilmės šalyje
- LV: persona ar migrācijas pieredzi
- MT: Persuna bi storja ta’ migrazzjoni warajha
- NL: Persoon met een migratieachtergrond
- NO: person med innvandrerbakgrunn (b) / person med innvandrarbakgrunn (n)
- PL: osoba z przeszłością migracyjną
- PT: Pessoa com antecedentes migratórios
- RO: persoană cu trecut migraţionist
- SE: person med invandrarbakgrund
- SK: osoba s migrantským pôvodom
- SL: oseba z migracijskim ozadjem
(a) migrated into their present country of residence; and / or
(b) previously had a different nationality from their present country of residence; and / or
(c) at least one of their parents previously entered their present country of residence as a migrant.
2. Point (a) can also include a national of the country of residence who previously lived elsewhere and then returned to their country of nationality.
- BG: предполагаема жертва на трафика на хора
- CZ: pravděpodobné oběti obchodování s lidmi
- DE: vermutetes Opfer von Menschenhandel
- EE: eeldatav inimkaubanduse ohver
- EN: presumed victim of trafficking in human beings
- ES: presunta victima de trata de seres humanos
- FI: oletettu ihmiskaupan uhri
- FR: victime présumée de la traite des êtres humains
- GA: duine ar dócha gur íospartach gáinneála é / í
- HU: emberkereskedelem feltételezett áldozata
- IT: vittima presunta di tratta di esseri umani
- LT: asmuo, galėjęs nukentėti nuo prekybos žmonėmis
- LV: persona, kuru uzskata par cilvēku tirdzniecības upuri
- MT: Preżumibbilment vittma fit-traffikar tal-persuni
- NL: verondersteld slachtoffer van mensenhandel
- NO: antatt offer for menneskehandel
- PL: domniemana ofiara handlu ludźmi
- RO: presupuse victime ale traficului de fiinţe umane
- SE: förmodat offer för människohandel
- SK: pravdepodobná obeť obchodovania s ľuďmi / formálne neidentifikovaná obeť obchodovania s ľuďmi
- SL: domnevna žrtev trgovine z ljudmi
A person who has met the criteria of EU regulations and international Conventions but has not been formally identified by the relevant authorities (e.g. police) as a trafficking victim or has declined to be formally or legally identified as trafficked.
If a person is presumed to be a victim of trafficking in human beings, this does not rule out the possibility that the person’s status will later be assessed otherwise (i.e. not identified / confirmed as a victim).
- BG: закрила
- CZ: ochrana
- DE: Schutz
- EE: kaitse
- EN: protection
- ES: protección
- FI: suojelu
- FR: protection
- GA: cosaint
- GR: προστασία
- HU: védelem
- IT: protezione
- LT: apsauga
- LV: aizsardzība
- MT: Protezzjoni / Ħarsien
- NL: bescherming
- NO: beskyttelse (b) / vern (n)
- PL: ochrona
- PT: protecção
- RO: protecţie
- SE: skydd
- SK: ochrana
- SL: zaščita
A concept that encompasses all activities aimed at obtaining full respect for the rights of the individual in accordance with the letter and spirit of human rights, refugee and international humanitarian law.
Protection involves creating an environment conducive to respect for human beings, preventing and / or alleviating the immediate effects of a specific pattern of abuse, and restoring dignified conditions of life through reparation, restitution and rehabilitation.
- BG: лице, което отговаря на условията за субсидиарна закрила
- CZ: osoba, která má nárok na doplňkovou ochranu
- DE: Person mit Anspruch auf subsidiären Schutz
- EE: täiendava kaitse saamise nõuetele vastav isik
- EN: person eligible for subsidiary protection
- ES: persona con derecho a protección subsidiaria
- FI: henkilö, joka voi saada toissijaista suojelua
- FR: personne pouvant bénéficier de la protection subsidiaire
- GA: duine atá i dteideal cosaint choimhdeach
- GR: άτομο επιλέξιμο για επικουρική προστασία
- HU: kiegészítő védelemben részesített személy / oltalmazott
- IT: persona avente titolo a beneficiare della protezione sussidiaria
- LT: papildomą apsaugą galintis gauti asmuo
- LV: persona, kura tiesīga uz alternatīvo statusu
- MT: Persuna eliġibbli għal protezzjoni sussidjarja
- NL: persoon die voor subsidiaire bescherming in aanmerking komt
- NO: person som har krav på subsidiær beskyttelse (b) / person som har krav på subsidiært vern (n)
- PL: osoba kwalifikująca się do ochrony uzupełniającej
- PT: pessoa elegível para protecção subsidiária
- RO: persoană eligibilă pentru protecţie subsidiară
- SE: person som uppfyller kraven för att betecknas som subsidiärt skyddsbehövande
- SK: osoba oprávnená na doplnkovú ochranu
- SL: oseba upravičena do subsidiarne zaščite
A third-country national or a stateless person who does not qualify as a refugee but in respect of whom substantial grounds have been shown for believing that the person concerned, if returned to their country of origin, or in the case of a stateless person, to their country of former habitual residence, would face a real risk of suffering serious harm as defined in Art. 15 of Directive 2011/95/EU (Recast Qualification Directive) and to whom Art. 17(1) and (2) of said Directive do not apply, and is unable, or, owing to such risk, unwilling to avail themselves of the protection of that country.
- BG: процедурни гаранции
- CZ: procesní záruky
- DE: Verfahrensgarantien
- EE: menetlustagatised
- EN: procedural guarantees
- ES: garantías procedimentales
- FI: menettelylliset takeet
- FR: garanties procédurales
- GA: ráthaíochtaí nós imeachta
- HU: eljárási garanciák
- IT: garanzie procedurali
- LV: procesuālās garantijas
- MT: Garanziji proċedurali
- NL: procedurele waarborgen
- NO: saksbehandlingsgaranti (b) / sakshandsamingsgaranti (n)
- PL: gwarancje proceduralne
- SE: förfarandegarantier
- SK: procesné záruky / procedurálne záruky
- SL: postopkovna jamstva
In the EU asylum context , special guarantees addressing the legal rights of applicants for international protection as outlined in Chapter II of Directive 2013/32/EU (Recast Asylum Procedures Directive) and Art. 6 of the European Convention of Human Rights.
These guarantees comprise the following rights of applicants for international protection: access to the procedure for international protection; right to remain in the Member State pending the examination of the application for international protection; information on their rights and obligations in a language they understand; acess to interpreters; the opportunity to communicate with UNHCR or with any other organisation providing legal advice or other counselling; notice in reasonable time of the decision by the determining authority on their application; a personal interview, and free legal assistance and representation granted on request in the appeals procedures (including the preparation of the required procedural documents and participation in the hearing before a court or tribunal of first instance on behalf of the applicant.
- BG: Протоколът от Палермо
- CZ: Palermská úmluva
- DE: Palermo-Protokoll
- EE: Palermo protokoll
- EN: Palermo Protocol
- ES: Protocolo de Palermo
- FI: Palermon pöytäkirja
- FR: Protocole de Palerme
- GA: Prótacal Palermo
- GR: Πρωτόκολλο του Παλέρμο
- HU: Palermói Jegyzőkönyv
- IT: Protocollo di Palermo
- LT: Palermo protokolas
- LV: Palermo protokols
- MT: Protokoll (Il-) ta’ Palermo
- NL: Protocol van Palermo
- NO: Palermo-protokollen
- PL: Protokół z Palermo
- PT: Protocolo de Palermo
- RO: Protocolul de la Palermo
- SE: Palermoprotokollet
- SK: Palermský protokol
- SL: Palermski protokol
A United Nations (UN) protocol to prevent, suppress and punish trafficking in human beings, especially women and children, supplementing the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and its Protocols.