Ad-hoc užklausos

EMN Ad-hoc užklausų sistema padeda surinkti aktualiausią informaciją iš ES valstybių narių ir Norvegijos migracijos ir prieglobsčio klausimais. Kiekviena šalis narė gali pateikti konkretų paklausimą, į kuri atsako kitos šalys. Šios užklausos ir valstybių narių atsakymai yra saugomi EMN duomenų bazėje, kuri yra prieinama visiems suinteresuotiems asmenims. Dokumentai rūšiuojami pagal konkrečias sritis: ekonominė migracija, ES teisynas, grąžinimas, gyvenimas ir leidimai gyventi ir kt. Duomenų bazėje pateikiami vieši atsakymai į užklausas nuo 2014 m.
Ad-hoc užklausos pavadinimas Šalių atsakymai Data
AHQ on measures taken in the field of acquisition of citizenship as a result of the Covid-19 crisis 2020-04-08
AHQ on duty of instruction pursuant to European Court of Justice ruling of 19 June 2018, case C-181/16 ”Gnandi” 2020-04-03
AHQ on information from Member States in regards to Venezuelans with expired passports 2020-03-23
AHQ on security measures in on-site customer service offices 2020-03-19
AHQ on health care provisions for asylum seekers 2020-03-13
AHQ on EMN AHQ 2019.5 and additional questions on asylum seekers right to work 2020-03-11
AHQ on BIP’s returning to your MS after lodging an application for IP in another MS 2020-03-11
AHQ on knowledge of language as condition for issuance residence permit 2020-03-10
AHQ on short-term / temporary worker visa 2020-02-25
AHQ on women with the obligation to leave EU Member States 2020-02-17
AHQ on time limits for decisions on family reunification 2020-02-10
AHQ on on missing unaccompanied minors - Part III 2020-02-04
AHQ on fees charged to third-country nationals when issuing a travel document 2020-01-24
AHQ on missing unaccompanied minors - Part II 2020-01-08
AHQ on talent attraction and international recruitment of third-country nationals 2020-01-08
AHQ on access to the national labour market 2020-01-07
AHQ on family members of long-term residents and the right to family reunification 2019-12-31
AHQ on competent Authorities and Organization of Residence Permit / Visa Procedure Abroad 2019-12-31
AHQ on cash reintegration assistance to returnees 2019-12-31
AHQ on challenges and good approaches on (access to) consular services related to return of third- country nationals 2019-12-31