Ad-hoc Queries

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Ad-hoc Query Summary Date
AHQ on classification of information related to making and examining an application for international protection 2016-12-28
AHQ on implementation of the AMIF 2016-12-28
AHQ on immigration quota systems and practices 2016-12-21
AHQ on means to incentivise (voluntary) returns of irregular staying third-country nationals 2016-12-14
AHQ on conditions to be granted a residence permit 2016-12-14
AHQ on the implementation and execution of EU Directives concerning public order or public security 2016-12-07
AHQ on European return and reintegration programmes for nationals of Western Balkan countries 2016-12-06
AHQ on minimum annual remuneration thresholds 2016-12-01
AHQ on safe countries of origin 2016-11-28
AHQ on entry permits in connection with long processing times for extensions of work permits 2016-11-21
AHQ on implementing Council Directive 2004/82/EC 2016-11-10
AHQ on list of sectors according to the Art. 2 of the Directive 2014/36/EC 2016-11-03
AHQ on forced-return monitoring system in compliance with Art.8, Par.6 of the Directive 2008/115/EC 2016-10-25
AHQ on verification of the reliability of potential students 2016-10-25
AHQ on statistics of minors held in facilities used for asylum or immigration detention on the 15th November 2016 and on the 1st December 2016 2016-10-24
AHQ on firearms license issued to foreigners 2016-10-24
AHQ on third-country national au-pairs 2016-10-21
AHQ on asylum applications from Iranian nationals who have lived on refugee camps in Iraq 2016-10-19
AHQ on safe countries of origin to MS who currently do not have a list of safe countries of origin 2016-10-12
AHQ on lasting housing options and support for resettled and relocated persons 2016-10-12