Ad-hoc užklausos

EMN Ad-hoc užklausų sistema padeda surinkti aktualiausią informaciją iš ES valstybių narių ir Norvegijos migracijos ir prieglobsčio klausimais. Kiekviena šalis narė gali pateikti konkretų paklausimą, į kuri atsako kitos šalys. Šios užklausos ir valstybių narių atsakymai yra saugomi EMN duomenų bazėje, kuri yra prieinama visiems suinteresuotiems asmenims. Dokumentai rūšiuojami pagal konkrečias sritis: ekonominė migracija, ES teisynas, grąžinimas, gyvenimas ir leidimai gyventi ir kt. Duomenų bazėje pateikiami vieši atsakymai į užklausas nuo 2014 m.
Ad-hoc užklausos pavadinimas Šalių atsakymai Data
AHQ on forced-return monitoring system in compliance with Art.8, Par.6 of the Directive 2008/115/EC 2016-10-25
AHQ on verification of the reliability of potential students 2016-10-25
AHQ on statistics of minors held in facilities used for asylum or immigration detention on the 15th November 2016 and on the 1st December 2016 2016-10-24
AHQ on firearms license issued to foreigners 2016-10-24
AHQ on third-country national au-pairs 2016-10-21
AHQ on asylum applications from Iranian nationals who have lived on refugee camps in Iraq 2016-10-19
AHQ on safe countries of origin to MS who currently do not have a list of safe countries of origin 2016-10-12
AHQ on lasting housing options and support for resettled and relocated persons 2016-10-12
AHQ on seasonal work based on EU Directive No. 2014/36/EU 2016-10-10
AHQ on the framework of an intra-corporate transfer based on EU Directive No. 2014/66/EU 2016-10-10
AHQ on undesirable and unreturnable migrants 2016-10-04
AHQ on migration information and awareness raising campaigns in countries of origin and transit 2016-09-23
AHQ on use of social media (OSINT) in processing claims in connection with asylum applications 2016-09-23
AHQ on third-country nationals’ access to integration income 2016-09-22
AHQ on Nepalese, Pakistani and Bangladeshi students 2016-09-20
AHQ on assessment of the situation in Ukraine 2016-09-19
AHQ on impact of the removal of the Schengen visa regime for Colombian nationals 2016-09-19
AHQ on national residence permits of permanent or unlimited validity 2016-09-08
AHQ on the criteria for application of exclusion clause – danger to the community and danger to the state security – while reviewing the applications for international protection 2016-09-06
AHQ on Article 16 of the Return Directive (2008/115/EC) 2016-08-24