Ad-hoc užklausos

EMN Ad-hoc užklausų sistema padeda surinkti aktualiausią informaciją iš ES valstybių narių ir Norvegijos migracijos ir prieglobsčio klausimais. Kiekviena šalis narė gali pateikti konkretų paklausimą, į kuri atsako kitos šalys. Šios užklausos ir valstybių narių atsakymai yra saugomi EMN duomenų bazėje, kuri yra prieinama visiems suinteresuotiems asmenims. Dokumentai rūšiuojami pagal konkrečias sritis: ekonominė migracija, ES teisynas, grąžinimas, gyvenimas ir leidimai gyventi ir kt. Duomenų bazėje pateikiami vieši atsakymai į užklausas nuo 2014 m.
Ad-hoc užklausos pavadinimas Šalių atsakymai Data
AHQ on start-up policies for third-country nationals (part 2) 2017-06-12
AHQ on unaccompanied asylum-seeking children followed by family members under Dublin Regulation 2017-06-08
AHQ on experience of MS in installing modern barriers/fences in their detention centres for irregular migrants 2017-06-05
AHQ on humanitarian protection 2017-06-02
AHQ on accelerated asylum procedure before first instance decision for nationals of safe countries of origin 2017-05-31
AHQ on appeal procedure and reception conditions after first instance decision for nationals of safe countries of origin 2017-05-31
AHQ on support to persons who have returned to the country of origin 2017-05-31
AHQ on biometric information for legal migration cases 2017-05-30
AHQ on immediate family members applying for asylum at the same time 2017-05-29
AHQ on retaining TCN students 2017-05-26
AHQ on practical impediments of enforcement and residence for TCNs 2017-05-22
AHQ on type of international protection status for victims of FGM 2017-05-19
AHQ on implementation of Directive 2008/115/EC 2017-05-16
AHQ on mobile device information 2017-05-09
AHQ on providing security to the civil staff, working in the Detention Center 2017-05-09
AHQ on assessment of the security situation in Mogadishu, Somalia 2017-05-04
AHQ on identification of surveys focusing on asylum-related migration carried out, ongoing or planned to be carried out in 2017 by the Member States 2017-05-04
AHQ on existing legal migration initiatives in the Member States 2017-05-03
AHQ on policies regarding asylum seekers from Iraq 2017-05-03
AHQ on infectious diseases during the international protection procedure 2017-04-28