
Illegal Employment of Third-Country Nationals (2023)
Illegal Employment of Third-Country Nationals (2023)

The study examines the period 2017-2022, exploring the measures taken by the Lithuanian authorities to prevent the illegal employment of third-country nationals. It presents the challenges faced by the institutions and identifies emerging good practices.

The Application of the Temporary Protection Directive: Challenges and Good Practices (2023)
The Application of the Temporary Protection Directive: Challenges and Good Practices (2023)

The study aims to provide an overview of the application of the Temporary Protection Directive in 2023. It details the situation of beneficiaries of temporary protection and provides examples of challenges and good practices from EMN Member Countries.

The Integration of Applicants for International Protection in the Labour Market (2022)
The Integration of Applicants for International Protection in the Labour Market (2022)

The study analyses the integration of applicants for international protection into the labour market. Conducted research also covers support measures to enhance labour market integration and self-employment.

Integration of migrant women: policies and measures (2021)
Integration of migrant women: policies and measures (2021)

The study documents if and to what extent Lithuania considers the distinct situation of migrant women from third countries in their integration policies and measures. It also provides an overview of research and statistics available at national level on the integration opportunities and challenges faced by migrant women.

Children in migration: Report of EU Member States and Norway 2020 (2021)
Children in migration: Report of EU Member States and Norway 2020 (2021)
Report maps the progress made by Member States and Norway in 2020 in relation to the recommended actions stipulated in the 2017 European Commission Communication on the protection of children in migration.
Third-country national victims of trafficking in human beings: detection, identification and protection (2021)
Third-country national victims of trafficking in human beings: detection, identification and protection (2021)

The study provides an overview of measures and best practices around detection, identification and protection of third-country national victims of trafficking in human beings in 25 EU Member States, Norway and Georgia from January 2015 to December 2020.

Detention and Alternatives to detention in Lithuania (2021)
Detention and Alternatives to detention in Lithuania (2021)

The study presents a comprehensive review of legislation and practice on detention and alternatives to detention in international procetion and in return procedures in Lithuania.