
Non-EU students' experiences in Lithuania (2012)
Non-EU students' experiences in Lithuania (2012)

The overall purpose of this research is to evaluate how non-EU country students feel in Lithuania, what positive and negative sides they see while coming and then living in it. The study also presents recommendations about possible changes allowing to attract more non-EU country students to Lithuania.

Marriages of convenience as a channel for irregular migration (2012)
Marriages of convenience as a channel for irregular migration (2012)

The aim of the study is to identify the scale and scope of two instances of misuse, namely marriages of convenience and false declarations of parenthood and to provide clear evidence, to the extent possible and including available statistics, of these types of misuse and how best to address them.

Establishing identity for international protection (2012)
Establishing identity for international protection (2012)

The aim of the study is to provide an overview of important challenges facing national authorities in their efforts to establish, in the absence of credible documentation, the identity of applicants for international protection (i.e. asylum and subsidiary protection) and for the return of rejected applicants.

International students in Lithuania (2012)
International students in Lithuania (2012)
This study analyses policy and measures adopted by Lithuania to attract international students, identifies emerging challenges, possible cases of abuse, and aims to evaluate the impact that students exert now and can exert in the future on evolution of universities as well as on society and education.
Practical response to the irregular migration in Lithuania (2011)
Practical response to the irregular migration in Lithuania (2011)

This study aims to provide an overview of the situation and key trends in Lithuania in recent years in the area of migration policy and migration process management, highlighting the key events dealing with irregular immigration issues/problems.

Visa policy and migration flows in the Republic of Lithuania (2010)
Visa policy and migration flows in the Republic of Lithuania (2010)

This study pursues the aim of presenting Lithuania’s visa policy and the latest developments in this field, analysing links between visa policy and immigration flows, with a particular attention devoted to prevention of illegal immigration and pointing out some problems of visa issuance. 

Lithuanian residents’ perceptions towards immigration and migrant workers (2010)
Lithuanian residents’ perceptions towards immigration and migrant workers (2010)
This research aims to provide an overview of Lithuanian public opinion towards migrant workers from third countries. A conducted survey showed that 19% of Lithuanian residents view immigration positively.
Satisfying labour demand through migration (2010)
Satisfying labour demand through migration (2010)
The overall purpose of this study is to identify those sectors experiencing shortages in Lithuania, to outline the national strategies for addressing labour markets needs with third-country national migrant workers and to gain an understanding of the perceived effectiveness of these strategies.
Circular and temporary migration (2010)
Circular and temporary migration (2010)

The study aims at presenting the concepts of temporary and circular migration, the effective legal regulation in Lithuania, an assessment of these forms of migrations as well as main statistical data. The period analysed covers the years of 2004-2009.