EMN Informs

EMN Informs provide succinct, key findings and messages to policymakers on a specific topic, based on the results of information gathered and analysed by the EMN, for example, from reports and studies, or from ad-hoc queries.

New and innovative ways to attract foreign talent in the EU - EMN Inform 2025 (EN)
New and innovative ways to attract foreign talent in the EU - EMN Inform 2025 (EN)
This EMN-OECD joint inform explores the new and innovative ways to attract foreign talent in the EU.
Illegal employment of third-country nationals: 2017-2022 situation analysis - EMN Inform 2025 (EN)
Illegal employment of third-country nationals: 2017-2022 situation analysis - EMN Inform 2025 (EN)
This European Migration Network (EMN) inform highlights the issue of illegal employment among third-country nationals (TCNs) in EMN Member Countries from 2017 to 2022.
Processing the biometric data of third-country nationals - EMN Inform 2024 (EN)
Processing the biometric data of third-country nationals - EMN Inform 2024 (EN)
This inform outlines the national legislation and practices in the collection and processing of biometric data for third-country nationals in EMN Member and Observer Countries, in compliance with national and EU law.
Migration Diplomacy: An analysis of policy approaches and instruments - EMN Inform 2024 (EN)
Migration Diplomacy: An analysis of policy approaches and instruments - EMN Inform 2024 (EN)

This EMN-OECD joint inform explores how migration diplomacy promotes international cooperation. The inform presents the policy approaches, instruments and challenges that contribute to international migration governance.

Governing the accommodation of international protection applicants - EMN Inform 2024 (EN)
Governing the accommodation of international protection applicants - EMN Inform 2024 (EN)
This inform explores how EMN Member and Observer Countries manage accommodation for international protection applicants, exploring centralised, decentralised, and mixed governance models amid fluctuating asylum demands.
Civic training programmes for the integration of third-country nationals - EMN Inform 2024 (EN)
Civic training programmes for the integration of third-country nationals - EMN Inform 2024 (EN)
The new EMN inform reveals how civic training programmes across 22 EMN Member and Observer Countries play a crucial role in integrating third-country nationals through tailored courses on social, cultural, and political participation.
Practices and challenges in identifying victims of torture and ill-treatment - EMN Inform 2024 (EN)
Practices and challenges in identifying victims of torture and ill-treatment - EMN Inform 2024 (EN)
This inform outlines procedural safeguards and guidance for asylum authorities when requesting medico-legal documentation in international protection applications, and it details practices for identifying victims among beneficiaries of temporary protection to provide medical care, in line with the Temporary Protection Directive.
Migration and development cooperation - EMN Inform 2024 (EN)
Migration and development cooperation - EMN Inform 2024 (EN)

This inform examines national strategies, policies, and specific programmes in EMN Member Countries and Serbia from 2019 to 2023, highlighting initiatives through bilateral and multilateral cooperation with third-country partners.           

Coherent return and reintegration assistance - EMN Inform 2024 (EN)
Coherent return and reintegration assistance - EMN Inform 2024 (EN)
The new EMN inform explores coordination challenges in return and reintegration policy in EMN Member and Observer Countries.
Third-country national monitoring: challenges and good practices - EMN Inform 2024 (EN)
Third-country national monitoring: challenges and good practices - EMN Inform 2024 (EN)

This inform examines integration policies, focusing on legal frameworks, methodologies, challenges, and good practices. It aims to enhance understanding and support evidence-based policymaking for migrant integration in Europe.

Labour market integration of beneficiaries of temporary protection from Ukraine - EMN Inform 2024 (EN)
Labour market integration of beneficiaries of temporary protection from Ukraine - EMN Inform 2024 (EN)
This EMN-OECD joint inform highlights insights on labour market integration of beneficiaries of temporary protection from Ukraine. It showcases rising employment rates, policy priorities, and measures across European countries, emphasising the need for tailored strategies to address challenges effectively.
Family reunification practices for beneficiaries of international protection - EMN Inform 2024 (EN)
Family reunification practices for beneficiaries of international protection - EMN Inform 2024 (EN)

EMN inform examines family reunification practices and legislation for beneficiaries of international protection across EMN Member and Observer Countries. Inform highlights aspects of application procedures, timeframes and discusses cooperation efforts between the EMN and partners in the field of migration and asylum.

Digitalisation of identity documents and residence permits - EMN Inform 2024 (EN)
Digitalisation of identity documents and residence permits - EMN Inform 2024 (EN)
The EMN’s latest inform analyses the emerging adoption of digital identity documents and residence permits to third country nationals throughout EMN Member and Observer Countries, offering enhanced security and efficiency.
Access to autonomous housing in the context of international protection - EMN Inform 2024 (EN)
Access to autonomous housing in the context of international protection - EMN Inform 2024 (EN)
This EMN inform maps the challenges faced by applicants and beneficiaries of international protection in accessing autonomous housing and provides a comprehensive over­view of how EMN Member Countries and Serbia organise such support for these two groups.
Resettlement, Humanitarian Admission and Sponsorship Schemes – EMN Inform 2023 (EN)
Resettlement, Humanitarian Admission and Sponsorship Schemes – EMN Inform 2023 (EN)
This EMN Inform provides policymakers with the latest comparative information on resettlement, humanitarian admission schemes, and sponsorship schemes. It includes an overview of developments in EMN Member Countries spanning from 2016 to 2022.
Displacement and migration related to disasters, climate change and environmental degradation – EMN Inform 2023 (EN)
Displacement and migration related to disasters, climate change and environmental degradation – EMN Inform 2023 (EN)

This EMN Inform aims to examine current legal, policy and organisational frameworks and practices in the EMN Member Countries and other non-EU OECD countries addressing climate-related migration and displacement.

Accompanied children’s right to be heard in international protection procedures - EMN Inform 2023 (EN)
Accompanied children’s right to be heard in international protection procedures - EMN Inform 2023 (EN)
This EMN Inform provides an overview of the implementation of the right of accompanied children to be heard in international protection procedures in the EMN Member Countries and Norway. It also presents their good practices, challenges and lessons learnt in guaranteeing that right.
Prospects for displaced persons in non-EU countries - EMN Inform 2023 (EN)
Prospects for displaced persons in non-EU countries - EMN Inform 2023 (EN)

The EMN Inform provides an overview of the strategies and initiatives put in place by the Member States to enhance the prospects of displaced populations in non-EU first reception and transit countries. It also identifies good practices that could serve as a starting point to develop or improve sustainable support initiatives.

Organising flexbile housing in the context of international protection – EMN Inform 2022 (EN)
Organising flexbile housing in the context of international protection – EMN Inform 2022 (EN)
This EMN Inform presents information that supports policy makers to better organise their respective reception systems, in a flexible manner, while anticipating further changing inflows in the future.
Arrangements for accommodation and housing for beneficiaries of temporary protection – EMN Inform 2022 (EN)
Arrangements for accommodation and housing for beneficiaries of temporary protection – EMN Inform 2022 (EN)

This EMN Inform analyses the arrangements EU Member States have put in place for accommodation and housing for beneficiaries of temporary protection, in the context of the activation of the Temporary Protection Directive. The analysis in this research is based on contributions provided by 24 Member States.

Access to services for beneficiaries of temporary protection – EMN Inform 2022 (EN)
Access to services for beneficiaries of temporary protection – EMN Inform 2022 (EN)

This EMN Inform analyses how Member States have organised access to social benefits, education, employment and healthcare. The analysis is based on contributions provided by 24 Member States, with information up to date as of 1st September 2022.

Transition of unaccompanied minors to adulthood - EMN Inform 2022 (EN)
Transition of unaccompanied minors to adulthood - EMN Inform 2022 (EN)
The aim of the EMN inform is to map the measures, structures and systems in place in the EU Member States and Norway to provide transitional support to unaccompanied minors after reaching the age of majority. This inform was prepared on the basis of national contributions from 25 EMN NCPs.
Bilateral readmission agreements - EMN Inform 2022 (EN)
Bilateral readmission agreements - EMN Inform 2022 (EN)

This EMN inform provides an overview of legally binding bilateral readmission agreements between the EU Member States + Norway and third countries. The research examines how they work, whether they are effective, and how they are monitored and evaluated.

Secondary movements of beneficiaries of international protection - EMN Inform 2022 (EN)
Secondary movements of beneficiaries of international protection - EMN Inform 2022 (EN)
The aim of this EMN inform is to examine how the EU Member States have regulated the transfer of responsibility for a beneficiary of international protection from the first State to a second State.
Incentives and motives for voluntary departure - EMN Inform 2022 (EN)
Incentives and motives for voluntary departure - EMN Inform 2022 (EN)

This EMN inform focuses on the issue of voluntary departures from the EU Member States and Norway, in compliance with a return decision, or in anticipation of a return decision being issued. It focuses on the incentives and the motives for departing voluntarily. 

Application of the Temporary Protection Directive (scope and registration) – EMN Inform 2022 (EN)
Application of the Temporary Protection Directive (scope and registration) – EMN Inform 2022 (EN)

The EMN inform provides information related to the implementation of the Temporary Protection Directive, triggered in response to the refugee crisis caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Mapping of mental health policies for third-country national migrants - EMN Inform 2022 (EN)
Mapping of mental health policies for third-country national migrants - EMN Inform 2022 (EN)

This EMN inform maps the policies in place in EU Member States to provide support to legally residing migrants and ensure their access to mental health services. It focuses on the underlying challenges that migrants face in accessing mental health services.

Attracting and retaining international researchers - EMN Inform 2022 (EN)
Attracting and retaining international researchers - EMN Inform 2022 (EN)
The EMN inform explores challenges and good practices to attract and retain international researchers, and analyses the implementation of the Students and Researchers Directive and relevant national policies, schemes and practices in the EU Member States.
Preventing, detecting and tackling situations where authorisations to reside in the EU for the purpose of study are misused - EMN Inform 2022 (EN)
Preventing, detecting and tackling situations where authorisations to reside in the EU for the purpose of study are misused - EMN Inform 2022 (EN)

This EMN inform reflects on the experiences and approaches across the EU Member States from 2017 to 2020 in preventing and detecting situations linked to a potential misuse of authorisations to reside for the purpose of study.

Skills mobility partnerships: exploring innovative approaches to labour migration - EMN Inform 2021 (EN)
Skills mobility partnerships: exploring innovative approaches to labour migration - EMN Inform 2021 (EN)
The joint EMN - OECD inform reflects on experiences and lessons learned at EU and global level from the implementation of programmes and projects for skills development and labour mobility.
Use of digitalisation and artificial intelligence in migration management - EMN Inform 2021 (EN)
Use of digitalisation and artificial intelligence in migration management - EMN Inform 2021 (EN)
This joint EMN - OECD inform reflects on the impact of the use of online systems, paying particular attention to the impact COVID-19 has had on the use of technology and digital procedures.
Exploring legal pathways to fulfil labour needs: EMN Inform 2021 (EN)
Exploring legal pathways to fulfil labour needs: EMN Inform 2021 (EN)
This EMN inform provides an overview of Member States' experiences with new legal pathways in the areas of Talent Partnerships and complementary work-related pathways for those in need of international protection.
Member states approaches to prevent family separation and search mechanisms for missing migrants: EMN Inform 2021 (EN)
Member states approaches to prevent family separation and search mechanisms for missing migrants: EMN Inform 2021 (EN)
This EMN inform provides comparative overview of the policy measure and practical approaches taken by Member States to prevent and manage the risks of third-country nationals going missing and their separation from family members.
Impact of COVID-19 in the migration area in EU and OECD countries: EMN Inform 2021 (EN)
Impact of COVID-19 in the migration area in EU and OECD countries: EMN Inform 2021 (EN)

This EMN inform covers the period March-December 2020. It provides the updated position on the following topics: residence permits; entry conditions; unemployment and labour market needs; international protection; international students; voluntary and forced return.  

Protection of children in migration in member states: EMN Inform 2021 (EN)
Protection of children in migration in member states: EMN Inform 2021 (EN)
This inform summarises the results of the EMN report on the state of implementation of the Communication on the protection of children in migration.
Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on voluntary and forced return procedures and policy responses: EMN Inform 2021 (EN)
Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on voluntary and forced return procedures and policy responses: EMN Inform 2021 (EN)
This joint EMN – OECD inform reports on voluntary and forced return procedures and policy responses in EU and OECD Member States between January and July 2020.
Attracting and protecting seasonal workers from third countries in the EU and United Kingdom: EMN Inform 2020 (EN)
Attracting and protecting seasonal workers from third countries in the EU and United Kingdom: EMN Inform 2020 (EN)

This EMN inform summarises the results of the EMN study on Attracting and protecting seasonal workers from third countries in the EU and United Kingdom.

Impact of COVID-19 on remittanes in EU and OECD countries: EMN Inform 2020 (EN)
Impact of COVID-19 on remittanes in EU and OECD countries: EMN Inform 2020 (EN)
This joint EMN – OECD inform reports on the impact of COVID-19 on international remittances in EU and OECD countries, since February 2020.
Maintaining labour migration in essential sectors in times of pandemic: EMN Inform 2020 (EN)
Maintaining labour migration in essential sectors in times of pandemic: EMN Inform 2020 (EN)

This joint EMN - OECD inform examines whether workers in certain occupational sectors – essential or otherwise – were exempted from general mobility restrictions at the external and internal borders of the EU or in non-EU OECD countries, resulting from policies to contain the pandemic.

Impact of COVID-19 on international students in EU and OECD Member States: EMN Inform 2020 (EN)
Impact of COVID-19 on international students in EU and OECD Member States: EMN Inform 2020 (EN)
This joint EMN – OECD inform reports on the impact of COVID-19 on international students in EU and OECD countries, between February and June 2020
EU and OECD Member States responses to managing residence permits and migrant unemployment during the COVID-19 pandemic: EMN Inform 2020 (EN)
EU and OECD Member States responses to managing residence permits and migrant unemployment during the COVID-19 pandemic: EMN Inform 2020 (EN)
This joint EMN – OECD inform reports on measures implemented due to the COVID-19 crisis in the fields of residence permits and unemployment in EU and OECD countries, between March and June 2020.
Migratory pathways for start-ups and innovative entrepreneurs in EU: EMN Inform 2019 (EN)
Migratory pathways for start-ups and innovative entrepreneurs in EU: EMN Inform 2019 (EN)
This EMN inform summarises the results of the EMN study of the same title which explores the national policies and practices in Member States to attract and retain start-ups and innovative entrepreneurs.
Impact of visa liberalisation on countries of destination: EMN Inform 2019 (EN)
Impact of visa liberalisation on countries of destination: EMN Inform 2019 (EN)
This EMN inform presents the main findings of the EMN study on Impact of Visa Liberalisation on Countries of Destination.
Labour market integration of third-country nationals in EU member states: EMN Inform 2019 (EN)
Labour market integration of third-country nationals in EU member states: EMN Inform 2019 (EN)
This EMN inform summarises the results of the EMN study of the same title which examines the labour market integration of legally staying third-country nationals with the right to work in the EU and the different approaches undertaken by Member States as of 2014.
Safe countries of origin: EMN Inform 2018 (EN)
Safe countries of origin: EMN Inform 2018 (EN)
This EMN inform presents an overview of Member States policies and practices concerning safe countries of origin.
Attracting and retaining foreign startup founders: EMN Inform 2018 (EN)
Attracting and retaining foreign startup founders: EMN Inform 2018 (EN)

This EMN inform provides a summary of the issues addressed at the European Migration Network’s (EMN) Annual Conference, entitled The EU in the Global Race for Talents: Challenges and Solutions in Strengthening the EU’s Competitiveness which took place in Tallinn on 21-22 September 2017.

Challenges and practices for establishing applicants’ identity in the migration procedures: EMN Inform 2017 (EN)
Challenges and practices for establishing applicants’ identity in the migration procedures: EMN Inform 2017 (EN)
This EMN inform presents an overview of the EMN study on Challenges and practices for establishing the identity of third-country nationals in migration procedures.
Retaining third-country national students in the European Union: EMN Inform 2017 (EN)
Retaining third-country national students in the European Union: EMN Inform 2017 (EN)
This EMN inform summarises the main findings of the EMN Ad-Hoc Query (AHQ) on Retaining third-country national students.
Policy brief on migrants' movements through the Mediterranean: EMN Inform 2017 (EN)
Policy brief on migrants' movements through the Mediterranean: EMN Inform 2017 (EN)
This report focuses on the period 2012-2016 and - where data is available - up to August 2017 to identify patterns in migratory flows and provide a snapshot of these movements across the years.
Family reunification of third-country nationals in the EU plus Norway: EMN Inform 2016 (EN)
Family reunification of third-country nationals in the EU plus Norway: EMN Inform 2016 (EN)
This EMN inform presents a brief overview of the EMN Study on Family Reunification of Third-Country Nationals in the EU plus Norway: National Practices.
Use of detention in return procedures: EMN Inform 2016 (EN)
Use of detention in return procedures: EMN Inform 2016 (EN)
This EMN inform highlights the main findings of the EMN REG Ad-Hoc Query on the Use of Detention in Return Procedures (2015.1008).
Use of social media in the fight against migrant smuggling: EMN Inform 2016 (EN)
Use of social media in the fight against migrant smuggling: EMN Inform 2016 (EN)
This EMN inform summarises the results of the Ad-Hoc Query and the discussions held at the workshop, with the main aim to provide an overview of the use of social media in migrant smuggling.
Return of rejected asylum seekers: EMN Inform 2016 (EN)
Return of rejected asylum seekers: EMN Inform 2016 (EN)
This EMN inform summarises the results of EMN's The Return of Rejected Asylum Seekers: Challenges and Good Practices study.
Resettlement and humanitarian admission programmes in Europe: EMN Inform 2016 (EN)
Resettlement and humanitarian admission programmes in Europe: EMN Inform 2016 (EN)
This EMN inform summarises the findings from the EMN study on Resettlement and Humanitarian Admission Programmes in Europe –what works?.
Incentives to return to a third  country and support provided to migrants for their reintegration: EMN Inform 2016 (EN)
Incentives to return to a third country and support provided to migrants for their reintegration: EMN Inform 2016 (EN)
This EMN inform presents the results of the review, carried out by the EMN Return Expert Group (EMN REG) of 87 programmes implemented by 23 Member States, including Norway to assist migrants to return and to support their reintegration.
Illegal employment of third-country nationals in the European Union: EMN Inform 2016 (EN)
Illegal employment of third-country nationals in the European Union: EMN Inform 2016 (EN)

This EMN inform presents a brief overview of the EMN study on Illegal employment of third-country nationals in the European Union.

Statelessness in the EU: EMN Inform 2016 (EN)
Statelessness in the EU: EMN Inform 2016 (EN)
This EMN inform is the synthesis of the answers provided by Member States and Norway to an ad-hoc query launched by the LU EMN NCP on 12th March 2015 and two joint ad-hoc queries launched by the LU EMN NCP and COM on 4th May 2016.
Admitting third-country nationals for business purposes: EMN Inform 2015 (EN)
Admitting third-country nationals for business purposes: EMN Inform 2015 (EN)
This EMN inform summarises the main findings of the EMN study Admitting third-country nationals for business purposes, published in May 2015.
Integration of beneficiaries of international/humanitarian protection into the labour market: EMN Inform 2015 (EN)
Integration of beneficiaries of international/humanitarian protection into the labour market: EMN Inform 2015 (EN)

This EMN inform summarises the findings from the EMN study on the Integration of Beneficiaries of International/Humanitarian Protection into the Labour Market: Policies and Good Practices’.

Changes in immigration status and purpose of stay: EMN Inform 2015 (EN)
Changes in immigration status and purpose of stay: EMN Inform 2015 (EN)

This EMN inform summarises the findings from the EMN study on the Changes in immigration status and purpose of stay: an overview of EU Member States’ approaches.

Policies, practices and data on unaccompanied minors: EMN Inform 2015 (EN)
Policies, practices and data on unaccompanied minors: EMN Inform 2015 (EN)

This EMN inform summarises the findings from the 2015 EMN Synthesis Report Policies, practices and data on unaccompanied minors.

Migrants‘ movement through the Mediterranean: EMN Inform 2015 (EN)
Migrants‘ movement through the Mediterranean: EMN Inform 2015 (EN)
This EMN inform summarises the main findings of the EMN Policy Brief Study on Migrant's Movements through the Meditteranean.
Dissemination of information on voluntary return: EMN Inform 2015 (EN)
Dissemination of information on voluntary return: EMN Inform 2015 (EN)

This EMN inform summarises the main findings of the 2015 EMN study on Dissemination of information on voluntary return which was based on contributions from EMN Contact Point from (Member) States and Norway.

Policy brief on migrant’s movements through the Mediterranean: EMN Infrom 2015 (EN)
Policy brief on migrant’s movements through the Mediterranean: EMN Infrom 2015 (EN)

The aim of this EMN Policy Brief is to present key data on the irregular movements of people across the EU external borders and within the EU itself over the past few years and including the first nine months of 2015.

Determining labour shortages and the need for migration labour from third countries in the EU: EMN Inform 2015 (EN)
Determining labour shortages and the need for migration labour from third countries in the EU: EMN Inform 2015 (EN)

This EMN inform presents the main findings of the EMN study Determining labour shortages and the need for migration labour from third countries the EU published in November 2015.

Use of detention and alternatives to detention in the context of immigration policies: EMN Inform 2014 (EN)
Use of detention and alternatives to detention in the context of immigration policies: EMN Inform 2014 (EN)
This EMN inform summarises the main findings of the EMN study on The Use of Detention and Alternatives to Detention in the Context of Immigration Policies.
Migrant access to social security and healthcare: policies and practice: EMN Inform 2014 (EN)
Migrant access to social security and healthcare: policies and practice: EMN Inform 2014 (EN)
This EMN inform summarises the main findings of the EMN Main Study on Migrant access to social security and healthcare: policies and practice. The Study was based on contributions from EMN National Contact Points in 25 Member States.
Organisation of reception facilities for asylum seekers in different Member States: EMN Inform 2014 (EN)
Organisation of reception facilities for asylum seekers in different Member States: EMN Inform 2014 (EN)
This EMN inform summarises the findings from the EMN study The Organisation of Reception Facilities for Asylum Seekers in different Member States, published in 2014
Identification of victims of trafficking in human beings in international protection and forced return procedures: EMN Inform 2014 (EN)
Identification of victims of trafficking in human beings in international protection and forced return procedures: EMN Inform 2014 (EN)
This EMN inform summarises the main findings of the EMN study on Identification of Victims of Trafficking in Human Beings in International Protection and Forced Return Procedures.
Addressing facilitation of irregular migration by boats departing from North-Africa: EMN Inform 2014 (EN)
Addressing facilitation of irregular migration by boats departing from North-Africa: EMN Inform 2014 (EN)
This EMN inform summarises the main findings of the EMN Ad-Hoc Query (AHQ) on Measures implemented/planned by EU Mediterranean Member States to prevent irregular migration by means of boats departing from North-Africa.
Applicable fees for issuance of residence permits to third-country nationals: EMN Inform 2014 (EN)
Applicable fees for issuance of residence permits to third-country nationals: EMN Inform 2014 (EN)
This EMN inform provides an overview of the applicable fees for issuance of residence permits to third-country nationals (TCNs) as of September 2014.
Case Law of the Court of Justice of the European Union relating to legal migration and national developments: EMN Inform 2014 (EN)
Case Law of the Court of Justice of the European Union relating to legal migration and national developments: EMN Inform 2014 (EN)
This EMN inform provides information on EU and national case law on the interpretation and application of legal instruments within the legal migration EU acquis.
Impacts of the European Migration Network: EMN Inform 2014 (EN)
Impacts of the European Migration Network: EMN Inform 2014 (EN)
This EMN inform draws together examples of impacts that the EMN and its products have had in relation to policymaking and debate on issues of migration and asylum at EU and national levels.
Approaches and tools used to identify labour market needs: EMN Inform 2013 (EN)
Approaches and tools used to identify labour market needs: EMN Inform 2013 (EN)
This EMN inform provides information on the regulatory frameworks used at the national level to manage the migration of third-country nationals to the EU.
Brief overview of recent findings on return: EMN Inform 2013 (EN)
Brief overview of recent findings on return: EMN Inform 2013 (EN)
This EMN inform provides an overview of current aspects of return principally in EU Schengen Member States and Norway including statistics.
Attracting highly qualified and qualified third-country nationals: EMN Inform 2013 (EN)
Attracting highly qualified and qualified third-country nationals: EMN Inform 2013 (EN)
This EMN inform presents the main findings of the EMN study Attracting Highly Qualified and Qualified Third-Country Nationals to the EU.
Application of quotas in EU Member States: EMN Inform 2013 (EN)
Application of quotas in EU Member States: EMN Inform 2013 (EN)
This EMN inform provides information on the use of quotas by Member as one of a possible range of measures to manage labour migration from third countries, as well as secondary movements of third country nationals, exercising mobility for the purpose of employment within the EU.
 Intra-EU mobility of third-country nationals: EMN Inform 2013 (EN)
Intra-EU mobility of third-country nationals: EMN Inform 2013 (EN)

This EMN inform is based on the findings of the EMN study on Intra-EU mobility of third-country nationals, informed by National Reports from 21 Member States.

Immigration of international students to the EU: EMN Inform 2013 (EN)
Immigration of international students to the EU: EMN Inform 2013 (EN)
This EMN inform presents the main findings of the EMN study The Immigration of International Students to the EU.
Establishing identity for international protection: EMN Inform 2013 (EN)
Establishing identity for international protection: EMN Inform 2013 (EN)
This EMN inform presents the main findings of the EMN study Establishing Identity for International Protection: Challenges and Practices.
Visa policy as migration channel: EMN Inform 2012 (EN)
Visa policy as migration channel: EMN Inform 2012 (EN)
This EMN inform summarises the effects of visa policy on the management of migration, both in terms of facilitating legal migration and preserving irregular migration.
Maximising the development impact of migration and mobility: EMN Inform 2012 (EN)
Maximising the development impact of migration and mobility: EMN Inform 2012 (EN)
This EMN inform summarises the main developments in 2011 in legal migration and mobility.
Practical measures to reduce irregular migration: EMN Inform 2012 (EN)
Practical measures to reduce irregular migration: EMN Inform 2012 (EN)
This EMN inform summarises practical measures that have proved effective and proportionate in addressing the issue of irregular migration within the overall EU migration policy framework.
Developments in legal migration and mobility: EMN Inform 2012 (EN)
Developments in legal migration and mobility: EMN Inform 2012 (EN)
This EMN inform summarises the main developments in 2011 in legal migration and mobility.
Satisfying labour demand through migration: EMN Inform 2012 (EN)
Satisfying labour demand through migration: EMN Inform 2012 (EN)
This EMN inform presents summary finding of the EMN's Satisfying Labour Demand through Migration study.
Responding to migratory pressures: EMN Inform 2012 (EN)
Responding to migratory pressures: EMN Inform 2012 (EN)

This EMN inform provides a short overview of the main developments that took place in the EU in 2011 in response to increasing migratory pressure.