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This EMN-OECD joint inform explores how migration diplomacy promotes international cooperation. The inform presents the policy approaches, instruments and challenges that contribute to international migration governance.

This inform examines national strategies, policies, and specific programmes in EMN Member Countries and Serbia from 2019 to 2023, highlighting initiatives through bilateral and multilateral cooperation with third-country partners.

This inform examines integration policies, focusing on legal frameworks, methodologies, challenges, and good practices. It aims to enhance understanding and support evidence-based policymaking for migrant integration in Europe.

EMN inform examines family reunification practices and legislation for beneficiaries of international protection across EMN Member and Observer Countries. Inform highlights aspects of application procedures, timeframes and discusses cooperation efforts between the EMN and partners in the field of migration and asylum.

This EMN Inform aims to examine current legal, policy and organisational frameworks and practices in the EMN Member Countries and other non-EU OECD countries addressing climate-related migration and displacement.

The EMN Inform provides an overview of the strategies and initiatives put in place by the Member States to enhance the prospects of displaced populations in non-EU first reception and transit countries. It also identifies good practices that could serve as a starting point to develop or improve sustainable support initiatives.

This EMN Inform analyses the arrangements EU Member States have put in place for accommodation and housing for beneficiaries of temporary protection, in the context of the activation of the Temporary Protection Directive. The analysis in this research is based on contributions provided by 24 Member States.

This EMN Inform analyses how Member States have organised access to social benefits, education, employment and healthcare. The analysis is based on contributions provided by 24 Member States, with information up to date as of 1st September 2022.

This EMN inform provides an overview of legally binding bilateral readmission agreements between the EU Member States + Norway and third countries. The research examines how they work, whether they are effective, and how they are monitored and evaluated.

This EMN inform focuses on the issue of voluntary departures from the EU Member States and Norway, in compliance with a return decision, or in anticipation of a return decision being issued. It focuses on the incentives and the motives for departing voluntarily.

The EMN inform provides information related to the implementation of the Temporary Protection Directive, triggered in response to the refugee crisis caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

This EMN inform maps the policies in place in EU Member States to provide support to legally residing migrants and ensure their access to mental health services. It focuses on the underlying challenges that migrants face in accessing mental health services.

This EMN inform reflects on the experiences and approaches across the EU Member States from 2017 to 2020 in preventing and detecting situations linked to a potential misuse of authorisations to reside for the purpose of study.

This EMN inform covers the period March-December 2020. It provides the updated position on the following topics: residence permits; entry conditions; unemployment and labour market needs; international protection; international students; voluntary and forced return.

This EMN inform summarises the results of the EMN study on Attracting and protecting seasonal workers from third countries in the EU and United Kingdom.

This joint EMN - OECD inform examines whether workers in certain occupational sectors – essential or otherwise – were exempted from general mobility restrictions at the external and internal borders of the EU or in non-EU OECD countries, resulting from policies to contain the pandemic.

This EMN inform provides a summary of the issues addressed at the European Migration Network’s (EMN) Annual Conference, entitled The EU in the Global Race for Talents: Challenges and Solutions in Strengthening the EU’s Competitiveness which took place in Tallinn on 21-22 September 2017.

This EMN inform presents a brief overview of the EMN study on Illegal employment of third-country nationals in the European Union.

This EMN inform summarises the findings from the EMN study on the Integration of Beneficiaries of International/Humanitarian Protection into the Labour Market: Policies and Good Practices’.

This EMN inform summarises the findings from the EMN study on the Changes in immigration status and purpose of stay: an overview of EU Member States’ approaches.

This EMN inform summarises the findings from the 2015 EMN Synthesis Report Policies, practices and data on unaccompanied minors.

This EMN inform summarises the main findings of the 2015 EMN study on Dissemination of information on voluntary return which was based on contributions from EMN Contact Point from (Member) States and Norway.

The aim of this EMN Policy Brief is to present key data on the irregular movements of people across the EU external borders and within the EU itself over the past few years and including the first nine months of 2015.

This EMN inform presents the main findings of the EMN study Determining labour shortages and the need for migration labour from third countries the EU published in November 2015.

This EMN inform is based on the findings of the EMN study on Intra-EU mobility of third-country nationals, informed by National Reports from 21 Member States.

This EMN inform provides a short overview of the main developments that took place in the EU in 2011 in response to increasing migratory pressure.