Ad-hoc Queries

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Ad-hoc Query Summary Date
AHQ on procedures for language identification by asylum authorities- Part 1 2020-06-30
AHQ on procedures for language identification by reception authorities - Part 2 2020-06-30
AHQ on the principle of family unity in practice in asylum cases, especially in gender-based violence (GBV) and sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) based cases 2020-06-18
AHQ on update on 2020.19 Ad-hoc Query on customer services after COVID-19 emergency 2020-06-05
AHQ on conditions for granting a Seasonal Worker permit beyond the requirements in the Seasonal Workers' Directive 2014/36/EU 2020-06-04
AHQ on reduction or loss of remittances due to COVID-19 2020-06-04
AHQ on seasonal workers and minimum duration of stay 2020-05-26
AHQ on visa-free access after expired residence permit 2020-05-13
AHQ on the role of cultural mediators as a support in procedures between illegaly staying migrants and law enforcement agencies 2020-05-10
AHQ on labour market integration policies aimed at third-country nationals - update 2020-05-10
AHQ on Covid-19 pandemic crisis and unemployment of TCNs 2020-05-10
AHQ on seasonal Workers during the Covid-19 pandemic crisis 2020-05-09
AHQ on measures taken in the field of acquisition of citizenship as a result of the Covid-19 crisis 2020-04-08
AHQ on duty of instruction pursuant to European Court of Justice ruling of 19 June 2018, case C-181/16 ”Gnandi” 2020-04-03
AHQ on information from Member States in regards to Venezuelans with expired passports 2020-03-23
AHQ on security measures in on-site customer service offices 2020-03-19
AHQ on health care provisions for asylum seekers 2020-03-13
AHQ on EMN AHQ 2019.5 and additional questions on asylum seekers right to work 2020-03-11
AHQ on knowledge of language as condition for issuance residence permit 2020-03-10