Ad-hoc Queries

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Ad-hoc Query Summary Date
Issuing an Entry Ban for a person residing abroad 2014-04-30
Measures implemented / planned by EU Mediterranean Member States to prevent irregular migration by means of boats departing from North-Africa 2014-04-30
Asylum seekers access to labour market 2014-04-25
Mode of issuing the identity documents and residence permits 2014-04-23
Collective travel documents 2014-04-18
Accommodation requirements for short-stay visa 2014-04-18
Number of forced returns to Morocco and Algeria in 2013 2014-04-11
Pre-departure campaigns to attract TCN 2014-04-10
Systematic knowledge about the experience of failed asylum seekers who are returned by force 2014-04-10
State authorities representing migrants’ rights 2014-04-09
Residence permits cards and stickers 2014-04-09
Returns of rejected asylum seekers to the Democratic Republic of the Congo 2014-04-09
Implementing tolerated-stay 2014-04-08
Main National Case Law Regarding EU Directives on Legal Migration 2014-03-27
Organisation for return of TCN’s from Afghanistan, Algeria and Morocco 2014-03-24
The application of article 19bis of Directive 2003/109/EC 2014-03-21
Control of Foreign Nationals 2014-03-21
EC SOLID Funds and Evaluation 2014-03-21
Application of article 19bis of Directive 2003/109/EC 2014-03-21
Applicable fees for residence permits 2014-03-20