Ad-hoc Queries

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Ad-hoc Query Summary Date
Detention of asylum applicants at the border 2014-11-28
Application of article 1F of the Refugee convention in Syrian asylum cases 2014-11-28
National implementation of CJEU case law on the EEC-Turkey Association Agreement 2014-11-27
Reunification of third country nationals by an own national sponsor 2014-11-19
Assessment of authenticity of documents submitted by asylum seekers from Bangladesh 2014-11-19
Dublin procedure in relation to the asylum procedure Additional questions 2014-11-17
Research conducted on migrant population’s perception of safety and trust in authorities 2014-11-12
Payment of the Costs Associated with (Administrative) Expulsion 2014-11-11
Registering entry bans in the SIS 2014-11-10
Processing Data on illegal Migration 2014-11-05
Ministry or Ministries responsible for citizenship, legal migration and international protection 2014-10-31
Accommodation for and detention of former asylum seekers failing to comply with a return decision 2014-10-31
Framing of migration in the media 2014-10-30
Legal situation of a foreigner to whom the border procedure has been applied and as a result of which s/he was refused any form of protection 2014-10-27
Foreigners who claim to be minors but whose age is not confirmed 2014-10-23
Forecasting and Contingency Planning Arrangements for International Protection Applicants 2014-10-21
Payment for introducing a residence permit procedure 2014-10-20
Objective criteria to identify risk of absconding in the context of reception directive art 8 (recast) and Dublin regulation no 604/2013 art 28 (2) 2014-10-15
Uniform international protection status 2014-10-14
Violation of rules in reception centres/asylum facilities 2014-10-13