Ad-hoc Queries

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Ad-hoc Query Summary Date
AHQ on arrival transit reception centers 2017-04-05
AHQ on emergency situation in case of mass influx of asylum seekers 2017-03-15
AHQ on asylum claims based on conversion from Islam to another religion 2017-03-07
AHQ on return of unaccompanied minors 2017-03-03
AHQ on provision of material reception conditions to asylum seekers under the Dublin Regulation 2017-02-23
AHQ on assessment of a risk of illegal immigration of the alien that may emerge 2017-02-22
AHQ on selected benefits (retirement benefit, compensation for disabled persons and benefit in material need) for beneficiaries of international protection 2017-02-20
AHQ on accelerated asylum procedures and asylum procedures at the border (part 1) 2017-02-13
AHQ on accelerated asylum procedures and asylum procedures at the border (part 2) 2017-02-13
AHQ on identification of national level surveys focusing on the adaptation and integration of newly arrived immigrants 2017-02-01
AHQ on processing applications for admission of labour migrants 2017-01-31
AHQ on transposition of directive 2016/801 2017-01-27
AHQ on exemption of humanitarian assistance from criminalisation 2017-01-25
AHQ on returning Albanian unaccompanied asylum seeking children 2017-01-24
AHQ on cost of a forcible removal of the irregular TCNs 2017-01-20
AHQ on transfers to Bulgaria under the Dublin III Regulation 2017-01-16
AHQ on decision making authority regarding naturalization 2017-01-12
AHQ on processing of asylum applications from nationals of Turkey 2017-01-12
AHQ on identification missions 2017-01-09
AHQ on the correlation between forced and voluntary return 2017-01-03