Ad-hoc Queries

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Ad-hoc Query Summary Date
AHQ on practices of the Member States in case of a travel document reported lost holding an issued and valid visa 2019-02-18
AHQ on reasons for being excluded from the grant of international protection and criminal liability for incorrect or incomplete information 2019-02-15
AHQ regarding a regulation for the work and residence permit for specialized chefs for the Asian restaurants 2019-02-15
AHQ on access conditions of TCNs to social benefits and grants 2019-02-15
AHQ on right to work for asylum seekers 2019-02-13
AHQ on third-country nationals who have left the territory by type of return and citizenship - voluntary return 2019-02-06
AHQ on resettled persons 2019-01-22
AHQ on the location of the work of Government officials working on the procedure of the approval of international protection 2019-01-22
AHQ on monitoring integration 2019-01-22
AHQ on Member States’ practice regarding the storage of photographs and fingerprints in national systems/databases 2018-12-05
AHQ on communication to the outside and usage of mobile phones in detention facilities 2018-11-12
AHQ on issuing a residence permit to rejected asylum seekers without a valid travel document 2018-10-31
AHQ on recruitment and admission of international students (third-country nationals) 2018-10-16
AHQ on civic integration policy in relation to recognised refugees 2018-10-16
AHQ on fees 2018-10-16
AHQ on seekers for international protection who lost the right to reside in a state - procedure 2018-10-16
AHQ on training of experts on fingerprints and biometrics 2018-10-01
AHQ on applications for protection from Jehovah’s Witnesses from Russia 2018-09-28
AHQ on equipment to collect biometric data 2018-09-17
AHQ on Asylum Applications from Venezuela 2018-09-14