Ad-hoc Queries

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Ad-hoc Query Summary Date
AHQ on language and communication policy and measures in reception facilities for applicants for international protection 2019-04-25
AHQ on Venezuelans with expired passports 2019-04-19
AHQ on processing times first instance asylum cases 2019-04-15
AHQ on use of AMIF funds in Detention Centres 2019-04-15
AHQ on detention of persons awaiting return 2019-04-12
AHQ on capacity in Detention Centers 2019-04-12
AHQ on Refugee Employment Support 2019-04-12
AHQ on residence permit taxes for irregular migrants 2019-04-12
AHQ on nexus between recognition of stateless status and the right of residence 2019-04-11
AHQ on asylum applications submitted at the border or transit zones 2019-04-10
AHQ on crime statistics 2019-04-09
AHQ on Family Reunification of Beneficiaries of International Protection 2019-04-09
AHQ on family return to Afghanistan 2019-03-26
AHQ on the status granted to family members of recognized refugees or beneficiaries of subsidiary protection (AT) 2019-03-14
AHQ on driving licences for protection applicants 2019-03-14
AHQ on investor schemes (golden passports) 2019-03-12
AHQ on specially commissioned Decision Makers 2019-03-07
AHQ on administrative or judicial review of appeals against administrative expulsion decisions 2019-03-01
AHQ on early language support 2019-02-27
AHQ on international students seeking employment after graduating 2019-02-19